changes in latitude, changes in attitude.

11 years ago

nautical wheelers

well our last cruise of the year just finished and now we are Freeport, Bahamas bound. 

we also have completed two months of our seven month tour.  it's been an adventure to say the least. adjusting to this lifestyle is not easy at all. I sound like a suburban mom but I sure do miss target. 

laugh along it is a funny but sad statement. as Americans we get wrapped up in our day to day life consumption. Heck I miss taking my dog to petsmart to get her nails clipped. talk about first world problems. 

celebrating New Year's Eve on the ship was an experience. my division was responsible for blowing up and getting all the balloons dropped at midnight. we passed out favors on the promenade which is the lobby of the ship and then we rang in the new year with a glass of champagne.  

drew and I went snorkeling on New Year's Day and that was fun. completely out of my  comfort zone but fun none the less. I got into the water and there were fish all around me. not theme park attraction fish or contained fish but real life, God's creation nature fish. it was crazy, but so cool. 

it took some adjustment as well as patience from drew to walk me through it. lets just say scuba diving is going to be not as smooth or easy as we thought but I do want to continue snorkeling. 

we started our fire watch duty today. which means we follow welders around and make sure things don't get caught on fire. we have different shifts such as 10am-3pm or 10pm - 6am. not really looking forward to late nights or early mornings but at least ill get to sleep after. after dry dock drew and I will have completed 3 months and have only 4 to go! 

we miss and love you all. this life is crazy but we're thankful for the experience and the opportunity to do it together. 

thanks for reading,
until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Awww, I just read through all of your posts! I commend you two for doing what you are doing, I'm not sure I would be cut out for that job. It sounds fun though! I also love that you're blogging about it, it's really cool to be able to read about. And I'm sure it's great for you to have somewhere to write about it! It is weird only seeing you two tweet once a week or so. :-) Thinking about you two & always wishing for safe travels!


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