dry dock day 6

dry dock day 6:

ugh, so dry dock is not as fun as anticipated. I mean we didn't really think it would be a jolly ol' time but we didn't think it would be as bad as it is now. 
we miss doing our old jobs, karaoke night looks pretty good after doing this. 

now I'm not going to lie and say we're having a grand time this is the best, but I'm not going to bash the company because that's not professional. we just feel like they had nothing for us to do and they didn't want us resting on the ship. 

we get sent to sights that aren't doing any work, we're stuck at the same location for over two hours staring at the same wall. the people managing the whole rotation just aren't that organized and it's frustrating. there's a bajillion little other reasons why it's not the best but we'll leave it at that. 

on the plus side of that we do get to see all types of work done throughout the ship. yesterday I saw them completely destroy the casino, today I saw work done in the bakery part of the kitchen so I got to smell like croissants for the morning. we're literally living in a construction zone. 

I'm just glad I have Drew to get through this. I'm also thankful I was transferred before dry dock because it would be miserable to go through this alone. 

we work one more 6am tomorrow and then we don't work till 10pm the next day. last night we went to bed early because we had to be up at 5:30am but we went to bed so early that we woke up around 11 and couldn't go back to sleep. whoops. 

tomorrow we might go check out the town. Drew (and I) really want to go see Frozen so we may go try and find the theater downtown. 

the upside of all this is we get to pay off our debt and come out clean in June. 

*i think I can. I think I can. I think I can.*

hope the first month of 2014 is going well for everyone. how's those resolutions coming along? mine was not to take the elevator. so far it's okay, unless I'm walking around with Drew then well, he doesn't prefer them as much (little secret: we take the stairs most the time anyways.) 

have a fabulous week everyone,

Lexi <3

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