Everybody's Got A Cousin In Miami...

11 years ago
...everybody understands the impromptu.

2 Nov 13 - Miami Bound

First things first: Medicals.

Gotta make sure we're not hiding anything health wise so we're off to Miami for medicals. Oh did I mention its 5:15 in the morning? Yeah. (Enough Said)

Drew was awake before the alarm even went off, he may or may not be really excited. He's been waiting for this moment since he was 14.

I on the other hand am kinda just along for the ride. I'm not nervous for the medical; I am hungry we haven't eaten anything sine last night. Something to do with medicals, I'm not sure what. Don't tell Drew but I packed an almond joy or two from our Halloween stash in my purse. Not sure if I can last the four hours to Miami.

I would like to say I'll update/write everyday but thats not guarnteed. Mostly because wifi isn't guarunteed.  I will update when I can.

I love you all and can not wait to share our adventures with you.


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