J is for Jesus O is for Others and Y is for You....

I grew up in a large baptist church. Where suits were common and you didn't want to go to "big church" because it would bore you to sleep. 

Nothing wrong with that. Nothing wrong with baptist churches today. In fact the one difference between '94 and '14 is probably you'll see more khaki pants and polos rather than a tie and jacket. (Oh and probably no more shoulder pads)

But let's get down to what REALLY matters what was taught in Sunday School. I remember stories being taught through felt characters and singing songs in a circle. I remember fifth grade when I got a Bible* and was allowed to participate in communion because I finally understood what it meant. 

*fun fact that's still the Bible I use today. My name written in calligraphy by my mom in the front and my favorite bible verses highlighted. I just can't move on to another. 

One thing I remember pretty well was the emphasis on my "testimony". Back then it was described to me as "when I accepted Jesus into my heart." I didn't like that at all. Not because I didn't know. I invited Jesus into my heart when I was young. My uncle had recently passed at the time and my mom and I talked about heaven and hell. And how do you know where you're going and such. I knew I had accepted Jesus and so did the kids in my class. Why would anyone want to hear my testimony? There was nothing ground breaking or heart wrenching about my story. 

That view point has changed. 

It wasn't until about four years ago that my family left the baptist world and started attending a non-denominational church. Growing up for 17 years or so in a baptist church and then switching, well...that was different. The motto of the new church was "come as you are". They taught that you didn't have to clean up for Jesus. Jesus will clean you up. You don't have to wear a mask in church. If you're broken, God will make you whole. The different view point was refreshing. 

I joined the college group which was a new ministry to the church. The pastor had us, if we wanted, share our testimony. There it was again, testimony. These were people who had a prodigal son past or who were new believers. My "testimony" would not change anyone's life. My story would not change anyone's view on God. It wasn't until one night that I heard the stories. Testimonies weren't necessarily when you accepted Christ but what God was doing in your life. 

That. Blew. My. Mind. 

You mean what I'm learning now as a Christian counts as a testimony? I'm not rejecting my past by talking about the present? The next meeting I had signed up to give my story. At the time I had experienced on multiple occasions where things happened and I didn't understand them until down the line. That things happen for a reason because God wants them too. That I had a plan for my life and God had taken those plans and shook them upside down and kicked them to the curb. Only because His plans are and always will be way better than mine. 

As believers God is always working in our lives. Sometimes we see it right in front of us, and sometimes we hit rock bottom and it's not till He's pulling us up that we understand things. 

God used a month on the ocean, apart from my husband, apart from internet and apart from everything to make my marriage stronger and to make my relationship with Him stronger. 

If you're a Christian don't forget to thank God for the rough times in your life along with the good times. That's what makes for a good testimony and that's what will draw others to God. 

If you're not a Christian or can't completely relate. Give the creator of the universe a chance. If He cares for the birds in the sky, why on earth would he not care for you? 

I am completely thankful for where God has brought me. It doesn't always make sense but I know His plan is better than mine. 

Until next time my friends,

Lexi <3

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