

Sheesh. It's been awhile since I've updated you on our world and I apologize. 

We obviously survived dry dock and have been on three cruises since. We are so happy to be out of dry dock. It was a long month, we're glad guests are back on board. 

My phone kicked the bucket during dry dock and our internet consisted of one server for all crew and contractors so that's the reason for the lack of posts. 

Drew and I are doing well. We got new phones while we were in TX, thanks to the AT&T Next program. 

Drew is taking the next step in getting scuba certified. I...well I'm sticking with snorkeling. I'm more of a runner than a swimmer. I'm comfortable with my two feet on the ground. 

There have been more families on these past cruises than we are use to which is a nice change of pace. Don't get me wrong I love the older generation. I grew up with my grandparents but quite frankly my grandparents were not this picky/needy/ complaining/ or just plain old. 
The guests on our ship just find every little thing to gripe about and that gets real old real fast. It makes us not want to talk to people bc all they'll do is complain. 
However on the opposite side of that spectrum is we have met some really cool people. They are unfortunately few and far between. 

This contract has caused both Drew and I to gain weight and neither of us are happy about that so we're in the process of recovering from a cold and getting back into our running shoes. He's doing really well, and I'm slowly getting back there. Between getting called to work here and there and have meetings and deadlines to getting over a bug it's hard to get more than a mile in. But I'm determined, can't let him get to far ahead of me. ;P

We can't wait to get back home. To get back to eve, to land life, to internet, to Disney...don't get us wrong the job is a lot of fun. We like interacting with guests and being on the microphone but this crew life just isn't for everyone. It's hard not being able to talk to our friends and family whenever we want. Not knowing what movies are coming out or what's going on in the world. It's a very sheltered lifestyle. Granted we seem like privileged Americans but then again that's the kind of world we live in. Heck, we couldn't even watch the Olympics on the ship. 

We're thankful for each other and for this opportunity. And we'll be that much thankful for home when we get back to the USA. 

It's a day by day kinda life and we're trying to make the best of it each day. 

Hope everyone's 2014 is going well. We're already almost to march, geez time goes by fast. 

Thanks for reading,

We miss you all,



Grand Cayman Islands

Cozumel, Mexico

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