Free time in Freeport

dry dock day eight:

we finished our 6am-2:30pm shift and made our way into town for some free wifi and food. 

our director told us about this hole in wall pub in town that had super fast wifi. (well faster than what's on the ship) 

the ship had hired a shuttle that's free for crew to go into town it runs every 30-45 min or so. Drew and I walked to the security gate of the ship yard to catch it but we had just missed it. then this taxi driver who had already roped a few people in told us that if we join their cab it's only $5 a person in to town. so we figured that's not bad instead of waiting for the shuttle for another 45 min. he also told us that the pub we want to go to us within walking distance of where he was dropping us off. 

*now this pub is a little local secret and we were told not to tell anybody about it because then everyone would come and steal the internet*

the cab driver dropped us off and we pulled him aside to pay him and ask for walking directions to the pub which he replies with "oh you can't walk there from here you'll have to take the bus". at this point we were out ten dollars and no where near where we wanted to be. 

we walked around the downtown area for a little bit and then got directions to the bus stop, the bus was only $1.25 to wherever we wanted to go. as we were waiting we met a guy named Delano. he was super nice, asked us questions about the US along with giving us correct directions to our destination. 

Turned out the bus driver didn't have change for our 20 so Delano paid it for us and walked us to the pub so we could get change and pay him back. he didn't want a beer or sandwich in exchange just the 2.50 because he was just trying to get by on his 20 till his next payday. (we've all been there.) 

I asked if he has family in the area and he said that he lived with his Grammy and takes care of his mom who's sick. He's about to start a new job but had to take a $10 class to get certified for the position. Once we got change from the bar, Drew gave him $10 and thanked him for his time and for paying our bus fare. Delano was very thankful and was excited to have met new people from outside of Freeport. 

Drew and I have done random acts like that before, and it feels better to give and help other people than receiving ever does. 

We spent a good four hours at the pub as we used a lot of their wifi.(we ate our share as well) It was so nice not to have to wait 15 min to pull up a google page. (first world problems). We updated all our apps on our phones and iPad; as well as downloaded a few new ones. Drew got us caught up with American Horror Story as well as downloaded a few Disney cartoons. 

We met up with a few friends from the ship who we ended up taking a taxi back with.  It was a long day seeing that we started at about 5:30am. Thankfully we worked at 10pm the next day.

Freeport, Bahamas is nice. Drew and I liked it better than Nassau. We'll probably venture off again but for now we'll stick to hanging out on the ship. 

Prayer Requests:

We are SO thankful for our health and safety and we pray that God continues to keep us healthy and safe. 
That we'll be a light in a dark place, sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the world and we want to be good examples of God's love. 
That God will continue to keep our families safe and healthy as well. 

Thanks for reading,

Lexi. :]

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