dry dock day 1

dry dock day 1:

how does one prepare for fire watching?

you don't. 

today and tomorrow we have the night shift. we work from 10pm (22:00) to 6:00am (06:00)

the whole cruise division has the same shift. so cruise director staff and youth staff will be working together. we sit in the dining room and wait till they assign us a welder for a project. 

(word on the street is that it's mostly demolition work so we'll be sitting around twiddling our fingers the first few days)

we were all excited to be working together and being on the same shift. we brought games to play and movies to watch for the down time while we awaited our assignments. that excitement lasted until about 2am. then we were all ready to go back to bed even though we had four more hours to go. 

Drew's and mine first assignment was a fire walk. that's where we were given locations to make sure fire doors were closed and fire extinguishers were accessible. that was nice to walk around the ship just me and him. we did that about two more times and our last assignment at about 5:15am was an actual fire watch however the contractors were just sawing no welding or fire work. 
we ate breakfast after and went to bed. 

day one we were on our way to Freeport, Bahamas. the night we left Galvaston, TX the captain came on over the PA system and told us that winds would be over 20 knots and that the waves would be over 5 meters. 

in other words it is rocky! going back and forth and up and down. the good part about having night shift on the first day is that I can just sleep during the day and not be worried about the waves during the day. 

normally small waves or small "turbulence" doesn't bother me but when the captain announced that I went to the medical to get sea sick tabs. I think they helped, they at least put me to sleep (sort of like a sea benydral) and I was fine for the night. I took another one in the morning. Drew says its a mental thing I say I rather be safe than throwing up. 

it's weird walking around the ship with no guests. it's serene in a way. it's also weird but relaxing to not have any where to be or anyone to entertain. although fire watch will be boring I think having a month off of regular work will be okay. 

its hard walking around when you lean to the extreme left or right. it will be better once we're docked. 

prayer requests:

- continual thanks and prayers for our health and safety. we are extremely thankful for that. 

- that we will be a light in a dark place and be an example to others. 

- that we will find favor in our peers and superiors. 

we are so thankful for people back on shoreside. for our friends and families who care and think about us. please know it doesn't go unnoticed. :]

Lexi <3

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